Deseret Book
Salt Lake City, UT 0 Listings
Deseret Book is a wholly owned subsidiary of Deseret Management Corporation, the holding company for business firms owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Deseret Book is a profit-making Utah corporation.
Deseret Book is committed to support the mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints by providing scriptures, books, music, and other quality products that strengthen individuals, families, and our society.
We are committed to giving excellent service to our customers, authors, and our owner. We value people and their accomplishments, and therefore commit to reward their efforts as members of the Deseret Book team.
We are committed to providing on a timely basis quality products, quality service, and fair prices.
We are committed to following sound business practices to provide capital sufficient for future growth while providing a reasonable return to our owner.
We are committed to expanding our line of products and services to meet the growing needs of our customers.
We are committed to maintaining a high level of professionalism and leadership in the book-selling industry and in the community.