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I'm looking for a partner to start a construction business with. I have significant business expertise and the capital to fund the business. I'm looking for someone with the trade skills/technical expertise to partner with. The ideal candidate has significant expertise in the trade and is looking to start their own business. I can manage the accounting, finance, insurance, human resources, marketing, advertising, and sales aspect of the business. The ideal partner would handle the operations management, supervise field team, estimating and ensure work is completed properly, on schedule and on budget.
Contact: Robert Ferrara
I'm looking for a partner to start a construction business with. I have significant business expertise and the capital to fund the business. I'm looking for someone with the trade skills/technical expertise to partner with. The ideal candidate has significant expertise in the trade and is looking to start their own business. I can manage the accounting, finance, insurance, human resources, marketing, advertising, and sales aspect of the business. The ideal partner would handle the operations management, supervise field team, estimating and ensure work is completed properly, on schedule and on budget.
We work hard to protect you and this service from fraud. As with any classifieds service please be aware of the warning signs relative to buying and selling online. Concerned about this listing?