We work hard to protect you and this service from fraud. As with any classifieds service please be aware of the warning signs relative to buying and selling online. Concerned about this listing?
Looking for extra cash or wanting to get out of the house. Great part time job located in West Point, Utah. Job is 4 days a week Monday 4 hours, Tuesday 3 hours, Thursday 3 hours and Friday 4 hours with Wednesdays off. Hours (14 hours per week) are 11 am to 3 pm Monday and Friday and 12 noon to 3 pm on Tuesday and Thursday. Great job for an organizer or stay at home mom or someone who can help us get things sold and gone. Job pays $866 a month plus 10% commission on all sales.which is equal to $16 to $17 an hour. Job pays semi-monthly. Job has averaged $425 sales per month this year so far. You get paid on all items sold whether you posted the ad or not. (Over a 1000 ads already posted.)
Benefits are that we are very family oriented and can be flexible with allowing time for family. Great place to work located in our home office in West Point, Utah with two other employees. If interested please text or call Sheryl 801-391-2711 for a short phone interview.Looking for extra cash or wanting to get out of the house. Great part time job located in West Point, Utah. Job is Monday through Friday noon to 3 p.m. Great job for an organizer or stay at home mom or someone who can help us get things sold and gone.
This fun job is helping us sell online by taking photos of items, researching and pricing them, and posting ads on many social media sites such as Facebook, KSL, Offerup, Ebay, Poshmark, Mercari, and more. We already have a 1000 ads online and need to post more. This is a fun job that pays hourly as well as commission for carrying a business phone and helping to answer questions by "text only" from people inquiring about items for sale.
Experience with posting ads to social media. Good computer and smart phone skills.
Contact: Sheryl Gibsoon
Looking for extra cash or wanting to get out of the house. Great part time job located in West Point, Utah. Job is 4 days a week Monday 4 hours, Tuesday 3 hours, Thursday 3 hours and Friday 4 hours with Wednesdays off. Hours (14 hours per week) are 11 am to 3 pm Monday and Friday and 12 noon to 3 pm on Tuesday and Thursday. Great job for an organizer or stay at home mom or someone who can help us get things sold and gone. Job pays $866 a month plus 10% commission on all sales.which is equal to $16 to $17 an hour. Job pays semi-monthly. Job has averaged $425 sales per month this year so far. You get paid on all items sold whether you posted the ad or not. (Over a 1000 ads already posted.)
Benefits are that we are very family oriented and can be flexible with allowing time for family. Great place to work located in our home office in West Point, Utah with two other employees. If interested please text or call Sheryl 801-391-2711 for a short phone interview.Looking for extra cash or wanting to get out of the house. Great part time job located in West Point, Utah. Job is Monday through Friday noon to 3 p.m. Great job for an organizer or stay at home mom or someone who can help us get things sold and gone.
This fun job is helping us sell online by taking photos of items, researching and pricing them, and posting ads on many social media sites such as Facebook, KSL, Offerup, Ebay, Poshmark, Mercari, and more. We already have a 1000 ads online and need to post more. This is a fun job that pays hourly as well as commission for carrying a business phone and helping to answer questions by "text only" from people inquiring about items for sale.
Experience with posting ads to social media. Good computer and smart phone skills.
We work hard to protect you and this service from fraud. As with any classifieds service please be aware of the warning signs relative to buying and selling online. Concerned about this listing?