We work hard to protect you and this service from fraud. As with any classifieds service please be aware of the warning signs relative to buying and selling online. Concerned about this listing?
Skills in framing, drywall& mudwork, painting, trim carpentry, light electric & plumbing **** Must be able to provide W-9 form, have your EIN. Inquire through ksl message only . Year round work
Work through phases of remodeling
List your pay requirements when inquiring
Contact: Jay
Skills in framing, drywall& mudwork, painting, trim carpentry, light electric & plumbing **** Must be able to provide W-9 form, have your EIN. Inquire through ksl message only . Year round work
Work through phases of remodeling
List your pay requirements when inquiring
We work hard to protect you and this service from fraud. As with any classifieds service please be aware of the warning signs relative to buying and selling online. Concerned about this listing?