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The framing part of the position includes cutting moulding and glass, joining, fitting, etc. We're looking for either part-time or full-time. We are willing to train the right person with some related experience, but we prefer someone who has worked in a framing shop/gallery before. Apply in person anytime during business hours, please send résumé to info@frameitutah.com.
Works well in fast paced, deadline oriented production environment
Able to work independently or in collaboration with others
Embraces change, willing to take on new responsibilities
We're looking for someone who can be part of our team and is proud of their work. So if you appreciate art and enjoy working with people, Frame-It might be your place. We have been in Business for 37 years and are the top framing shop in Utah
Job Types: Full-time, Part-time
Contact: james Cornwall
The framing part of the position includes cutting moulding and glass, joining, fitting, etc. We're looking for either part-time or full-time. We are willing to train the right person with some related experience, but we prefer someone who has worked in a framing shop/gallery before. Apply in person anytime during business hours, please send résumé to info@frameitutah.com.
Works well in fast paced, deadline oriented production environment
Able to work independently or in collaboration with others
Embraces change, willing to take on new responsibilities
We're looking for someone who can be part of our team and is proud of their work. So if you appreciate art and enjoy working with people, Frame-It might be your place. We have been in Business for 37 years and are the top framing shop in Utah
Job Types: Full-time, Part-time
We work hard to protect you and this service from fraud. As with any classifieds service please be aware of the warning signs relative to buying and selling online. Concerned about this listing?