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Oasis Stage Werks is looking for individuals to join their installations team. Come learn from our talented team how the behind the scenes in the theatrical industry works.
Our installers are responsible for the installation of stage rigging, drapery systems and related equipment throughout the intermountain west.
Travel and weekends may be required about 10% of time.
This is a full time benefited position after 60 days of qualified employment.
Contact: Stephanie Gilbert
Oasis Stage Werks is looking for individuals to join their installations team. Come learn from our talented team how the behind the scenes in the theatrical industry works.
Our installers are responsible for the installation of stage rigging, drapery systems and related equipment throughout the intermountain west.
Travel and weekends may be required about 10% of time.
This is a full time benefited position after 60 days of qualified employment.
We work hard to protect you and this service from fraud. As with any classifieds service please be aware of the warning signs relative to buying and selling online. Concerned about this listing?