We work hard to protect you and this service from fraud. As with any classifieds service please be aware of the warning signs relative to buying and selling online. Concerned about this listing?
Don't get caught with all that other insurance _____. Get ready to change it up!
Get the satisfaction of helping families and businesses with some products that can really help, you may have sold Final Expense, IUL's, Annuities, Those are all good..... let's do something better!
We have a solution for most businesses, bigger products, bigger commissions. All you need is the willingness to learn and grow with us
Help the client with the right thing for them, while we make High commission. We can offer more options with this non-captive agency, get residuals, bonuses, advanced higher commissions.
Proper quoting systems, marketing, training and leadership go a long way to help navigate the changes that have happened and will happen in the future. We provide that and more to all our agents.
Helping families achieve their goals and have more money to fill the gap of retirement
You NEED to have your life insurance license!
· Recommend Coverage Based on Client Needs
· Complete Client Application
· Keep Up-to-Date on Industry Through Internal and External Resources
· Strengthen Company Reputation with Client Base and Within the Industry
License/Certification: Life license
Work Location: On the road or At Home
· Strong Sales, Build your own agency, Knowledgeable Leadership
· Appointments – Not Leads, Set For You Each Week, Free or paid leads you decide.
· One on One Mentoring and Training, not classroom or movies
· Industry Leading Technology; Back Office Support
· Flexible Schedules
· Work From Home – Fully Virtual
Contact: Tracy
Don't get caught with all that other insurance _____. Get ready to change it up!
Get the satisfaction of helping families and businesses with some products that can really help, you may have sold Final Expense, IUL's, Annuities, Those are all good..... let's do something better!
We have a solution for most businesses, bigger products, bigger commissions. All you need is the willingness to learn and grow with us
Help the client with the right thing for them, while we make High commission. We can offer more options with this non-captive agency, get residuals, bonuses, advanced higher commissions.
Proper quoting systems, marketing, training and leadership go a long way to help navigate the changes that have happened and will happen in the future. We provide that and more to all our agents.
Helping families achieve their goals and have more money to fill the gap of retirement
You NEED to have your life insurance license!
· Recommend Coverage Based on Client Needs
· Complete Client Application
· Keep Up-to-Date on Industry Through Internal and External Resources
· Strengthen Company Reputation with Client Base and Within the Industry
License/Certification: Life license
Work Location: On the road or At Home
· Strong Sales, Build your own agency, Knowledgeable Leadership
· Appointments – Not Leads, Set For You Each Week, Free or paid leads you decide.
· One on One Mentoring and Training, not classroom or movies
· Industry Leading Technology; Back Office Support
· Flexible Schedules
· Work From Home – Fully Virtual
We work hard to protect you and this service from fraud. As with any classifieds service please be aware of the warning signs relative to buying and selling online. Concerned about this listing?