There are several reasons you may want or need a part-time job. Maybe you need flexibility around your school schedule, need to work around child care or just need supplemental income. Some popular part-time jobs include serving, retail and online customer service. But juggling two — on top of life in general — can feel overwhelming. KSL Jobs has some helpful tips for navigating multiple part-time jobs and keeping your sanity at the same time.

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Choose a part-time job that sounds fun to you.

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Time management

Time flies when you don’t feel like you have enough of it. That’s why it’s essential to solidify a time management plan first and foremost when working multiple part-time jobs. This will allow you more free time and reduce some stress that comes with your busy schedule.


  • Scheduling: If possible, plan your work schedules two weeks in advance to ensure neither schedules overlap.
  • Prioritizing: Which job demands more of your time and focus? If one job is more flexible, put more energy into the other one.
  • Calendars: Have a physical calendar on your desk or refrigerator so you’ll always have eyes on your schedule. Add a digital calendar with scheduled alerts for better reminders.

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Keep a calendar somewhere you can see regularly.

Set boundaries

Spreading yourself too thin is the fastest way to burnout. You still need to protect your mental well-being, and creating a few boundaries around your work schedules will help.

  • Communicate availability: Be upfront with each employer about your schedule availability and limitations. If you know you have school pickup in the afternoons, don’t list afternoons among your times available. 
  • Limit hours: Don’t overload your schedule to the point of having barely enough time to go grocery shopping or on a mental health walk. You also don’t want to leave so little time between job shifts that your travel time is crunched.

Take care of yourself

Remember what flight attendants always say? Put your own oxygen mask on first. If you can’t breathe, you can’t help others. So take care of yourself first, then address what comes next.

  • Work-life balance: Prioritize time to rest and do something fun. This will help you feel mentally well enough to complete job tasks and prevent burnout.
  • Healthy habits: Get 7-9 hours of consecutive sleep if possible; spend 30 minutes a day doing moderate exercise; and, eat nutritious meals to keep your energy levels high. 
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It's OK to put your laptop away for some self care.

Being efficient

There are ways you can optimize your schedule so job stuff isn’t consuming all your free time.

  • Simplify commutes: When possible, choose jobs that are close together or remote to cut down on travel time. 
  • Stay organized: Keep separate folders or bags for each job so none of your work materials get mixed up. That way you can grab ‘n’ go when heading to each job.
  • Food prep: Don’t let yourself get hangry! Prep healthy meals the day before so you always have food to take with you. 
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If your jobs are close together, public transportation is a good option.

Be adaptable

Sometimes things may change on a whim at part-time jobs, especially if the job is seasonal. 

  • Flexibility: Sometimes there may be other employees that need coverage. If you’re able, be willing to trade or pick up shifts.
  • Contingency plans: If you do have a seasonal job, have a backup plan for other positions or keep an eye on other employment opportunities. 


Depending on the part-time job, your income may not be consistent with each paycheck. Serving, for example, depends on tipping. This can make budgeting difficult in some situations. 

  • Primary job: Have at least one job that could cover most or all necessary expenses should the second job have a lull.
  • Track finances: Use a spreadsheet to track income from each job. Budget according to each job, and set aside enough money for taxes (if in a serving or 1099 position).
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A tax app is a great way to keep track of everything for multiple jobs.

Having multiple part-time jobs doesn’t mean you have to overwork. Remember to take care of yourself and look for positions that you’d enjoy. Start your search for part-time work on KSL Jobs.

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