Seasonal peaks are great for your business, but they can make it tough for your regular staff to keep up. That’s why many companies look to seasonal workers to fill in the gaps. Recruiting and hiring the right people can help you to keep your customers happy. 

How do you find qualified candidates quickly? Create a listing on KSL Jobs. From teenagers to retirees, there’s a large market of people looking for temporary jobs.

Create a listing on KSL Jobs

Hire early

If you’ll need to hire several people for the season, it’s wise to get started early. The sooner you begin your search, the more time you’ll have for vetting and training. In retail jobs, for example, you’re not just looking for someone who will stand at a cash register. You need time to get them up to speed with the store’s systems, along with teaching them customer service expectations and policies.

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Know who your job might appeal to, so you can create a listing they'll find.

Target your candidates

Writing a job listing for a seasonal worker may be a bit different from a regular hire. Candidates aren’t necessarily looking for benefits or advancement opportunities. In this case, most just want to earn some extra cash within their limited schedules.

For instance, a stay-at-home parent might work well as a customer service representative if they can work during regular school hours. Students may be looking for a job in the evenings or weekends, making them ideal staff for events such as festivals or fairs.

Jobs that are less rigid, such as landscaping and lawn care, could appeal to a younger crowd. Make your open positions sound rewarding: “Earn a paycheck while you work on your tan this summer.”

Start your search on KSL Jobs

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Point out the unexpected benefits of working for your company.

Offer incentives

Seasonal workers miss out on the usual benefits of regular, full-time employment: insurance, 401k plans, etc. But you can still offer some perks or incentives to encourage people to apply to your seasonal worker job listing. 

For instance, offer your pumpkin patch worker a discount at the company store, or even their choice of a free pumpkin. A farm laborer might appreciate free lunch Fridays.

Warehouse workers and delivery drivers make the online shopping world go-round. And during the busy season, you’ll need people with energy and stamina. Offering a bonus for excellent customer service or for powering through orders may encourage more people to apply to these types of jobs.

Writing a seasonal job listing

People looking for seasonal jobs may be short on time; they likely have other responsibilities, too. Make your job listing easy to follow and understand, so they can quickly determine if they’d be a good fit for your company.

Job title

What job title would someone put into the Keyword box? No need to be clever, just use the actual title or description. “Server” or “dishwasher” tells your future hospitality staff exactly what they’d be doing for your catering business.

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Make your job listing short and simple so it's simple for candidates to digest.


Write your listing as if you were talking to a friend: “Summer is our busiest season and we need more tour guides.” Stay away from industry jargon, which could discourage potential hires who aren’t familiar with the lingo. Clearly write out what the job entails.

  • Requirements: Do they need some experience or specific qualifications?
  • Responsibilities: What would day-to-day duties entail?
  • Rewards: What perks come with the job?

Finders keepers

You may hire all the seasonal workers you need, but don’t discard the applications of other qualified applicants just yet. You may find you need to hire more people than originally anticipated, or you may need a replacement. 

Seasonal workers may only be with your company for a short time, but you still want the best candidates available. Start your search with a listing on KSL Jobs.