If you're trying to make career moves in Utah's job market, it's smart to know where you’ll face a lot of competition. Utah's diverse economy and growing population create a dynamic job landscape where certain industries have many potential workers contending for jobs. 


Be sure to have your resume polished before applying to jobs.

Top contenders

Based on the latest information from the Utah Department of Workforce Services, here are ten industries in Utah where job seekers are facing stiff competition. Each offer unique challenges and opportunities and KSL Jobs wants to help you stand out:

1. Education services

Utah's commitment to education means there's always a need for teachers and administrators. The Education sector added 9,600 jobs over the past year, increasing the demand for roles in teaching, administration and educational support. The challenge lies in the high number of qualified candidates vying for positions. Specializing in high-demand subjects or gaining experience in diverse school settings can give you a leg up.

2. Health services

The Health Services sector is essential for ensuring the well-being of Utahns, adding a significant number of jobs recently. Roles for nurses, doctors and healthcare administrators are in high demand. However, the influx of qualified professionals makes it challenging to stand out. Specialized skills, advanced certifications and a dedication to patient care can give you a competitive edge in this crowded field.

3. Construction

Utah's ongoing construction boom means there's always a need for skilled trades. This industry added 6,900 jobs recently. While the demand is high, so is the competition. Plumbers, electricians and HVAC technicians must possess top-notch skills and a strong work ethic to secure jobs. The saturation comes from a steady stream of new workers entering the market, making it crucial to stay updated with the latest industry practices and certifications.

4. Professional and business services

The professional and business services sector grew by 2,900 positions, including jobs in management, consulting and administrative support. This sector attracts a large number of job seekers due to its diverse opportunities and career growth potential. With so many candidates, having specialized skills, certifications and a strong professional network can help you stand out.

5. Leisure and hospitality

With Utah's flourishing tourism, this industry added 1,600 jobs. The Leisure and Hospitality sector includes roles in hotels, restaurants and recreational services. Despite the demand, the high turnover rate and influx of seasonal workers make it a highly competitive field. Excellent customer service skills and flexibility are essential to secure and maintain positions in this industry.

6. Trade, transportation and utilities

This sector saw a slight decline of 300 jobs, heightening competition for existing roles in retail, logistics and utility services. The reduced job availability means that candidates must be adaptable and efficient. Demonstrating strong organizational skills and experience in logistics or customer service can give you an edge in this competitive market.

7. Finance

Despite a reduction of 2,100 jobs, financial workers remain crucial in banking, insurance and real estate. The reduction makes the market more competitive, emphasizing the need for expertise in financial regulations, customer relations and specialized financial services. Continuous professional development and certifications in finance can help you stay ahead in this field.

8. Information

The information sector, including media, telecommunications and IT services, lost 800 jobs. The shrinking market requires candidates to possess cutting-edge technical skills and adaptability to new technologies. Staying competitive in this field means continuously updating your knowledge and skills in emerging technologies and digital trends.

9. Manufacturing

Manufacturing, a large portion being fabricated metal producers, remains steady but competitive. With the sector constantly evolving, staying updated with industry technologies and obtaining relevant certifications is essential. The competition stems from the consistent need for highly skilled workers who can adapt to new manufacturing processes and technologies.

10. Insurance carriers

Multiple providers create a competitive insurance market, especially in sales and claims. The saturation in this industry is due to the high number of professionals entering the field, attracted by the stable career prospects. Mastery of insurance policies and excellent customer service skills are critical for success. Continuous education and certifications in insurance can help you stand out in this crowded market.

Strategies for success

So, how do you navigate Utah's competitive job markets? Here are some tips to help you break into these saturated fields and get noticed:

Skill up

Invest in industry-specific certifications and training. Whether it's a welding certification for metal fabrication or a customer service course for the food service industry, additional qualifications can set you apart from other job seekers.

Network wisely

Attend industry events, join professional associations and build your LinkedIn presence. Networking can open doors to job opportunities that aren't advertised publicly and help you make valuable connections.

Show your value

Tailor your resume to highlight your unique skills and experiences. Emphasize your accomplishments and how you've made a difference in your previous roles. Use concrete examples to demonstrate your impact.

Stay persistent

Job hunting can be tough, but persistence pays off. Keep applying and stay positive. Rejection is part of the process, but each application brings you closer to your goal.

Gain experience

Sometimes, starting with an entry-level position or an internship can provide the experience needed to move up in a competitive field. Use these opportunities to learn, grow and prove your worth.

Be adaptable

Industries evolve, and so should you. Stay updated on the latest trends and technologies in your field. Being adaptable and willing to learn new skills can make you a more attractive candidate.

Whether you're just starting out in your career or seeking to make a significant change, it's essential to remain proactive and focused on your goals. Research your desired industry to understand the specific skills and qualifications needed, and continually upgrade your expertise.

Remember, it's not just about finding a job but about finding the right job that aligns with your skills, passions and long-term career aspirations. Be willing to take on challenges, seek out mentorship and guidance and don't hesitate to step out of your comfort zone to seize new opportunities. 

Final tips

Staying informed about market trends, build a robust professional network and demonstrate your unique value. Then you’ll be on your way to a successful career path even in the most saturated markets.

Whether you're starting out or looking to make a change, there's opportunity for those willing to put in the effort and stand out from the crowd. Ready to look? Browse KSL Jobs to find the career you’ve always wanted and check our Resources page for more tips about job hunting. Good luck out there!