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The Dispatcher is a fundamental part of the DST team. The Dispatcher is responsible for coordinating the pickup and delivery of all brokered loads. The Dispatcher is also responsible for the corresponding data entry and paperwork that generate invoices and driver payroll. The Dispatcher must create a strong relationship with drivers, customers, carriers, etc.
The Dispatcher is responsible for:
The qualified candidate must be able to multi-task, make decisions in a fast-paced environment, and have a solid work ethic. Additionally, the candidate should exhibit strong communication skills and be able to communicate via telephone, email, instant messaging and text. The ideal candidate should have a working knowledge of computers and MS Office suite.
The position is an in-office position located in Springville, Utah.
Contact: Gabe
The Dispatcher is a fundamental part of the DST team. The Dispatcher is responsible for coordinating the pickup and delivery of all brokered loads. The Dispatcher is also responsible for the corresponding data entry and paperwork that generate invoices and driver payroll. The Dispatcher must create a strong relationship with drivers, customers, carriers, etc.
The Dispatcher is responsible for:
The qualified candidate must be able to multi-task, make decisions in a fast-paced environment, and have a solid work ethic. Additionally, the candidate should exhibit strong communication skills and be able to communicate via telephone, email, instant messaging and text. The ideal candidate should have a working knowledge of computers and MS Office suite.
The position is an in-office position located in Springville, Utah.
We work hard to protect you and this service from fraud. As with any classifieds service please be aware of the warning signs relative to buying and selling online. Concerned about this listing?