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Having a variety of responsibilities including working with customers, making frostings, and working outside events. We are looking for someone who can work mornings (7:30am-2pm) 20-25 hours per week.
Greeting customers, making frosting, delivering product, and working outside sales events when necessary. Work in our retail location in Orem and some outside events in the area. Work with POS system, wash dishes when needed. Must be well put together, friendly and outgoing, and self driven.
Must have a drivers license with clean driving history. Be available to work 7:30-2pm, reliable transportation to and from the store. Food Handlers permit. We are looking for people who have energy, are engaging, and can represent the Sunshine Buns brand.
Contact: Brian Martin
Having a variety of responsibilities including working with customers, making frostings, and working outside events. We are looking for someone who can work mornings (7:30am-2pm) 20-25 hours per week.
Greeting customers, making frosting, delivering product, and working outside sales events when necessary. Work in our retail location in Orem and some outside events in the area. Work with POS system, wash dishes when needed. Must be well put together, friendly and outgoing, and self driven.
Must have a drivers license with clean driving history. Be available to work 7:30-2pm, reliable transportation to and from the store. Food Handlers permit. We are looking for people who have energy, are engaging, and can represent the Sunshine Buns brand.
We work hard to protect you and this service from fraud. As with any classifieds service please be aware of the warning signs relative to buying and selling online. Concerned about this listing?