We work hard to protect you and this service from fraud. As with any classifieds service please be aware of the warning signs relative to buying and selling online. Concerned about this listing?
Busy used appliance store needs someone to help assure our product is working like new. We repair used appliances in our shop: Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Freezers, Stoves and Dishwashers. We are willing to train someone if you are serious about a new career.
We offer paid holidays after 90 days, paid vacation after one year.
We purchase used appliances, then thoroughly test and repair them in our testing area to be sure they are working like new. You will be diagnosing used product, making needed repairs and retesting to confirm product is in good working condition.
You will be loading and unloading product for our customers into their vehicles.
We also need help on our sales floor. Are you up to learning customer service? Can you answer the phone to help provide customers with the information they are looking for? Complete customer invoices??
Valid Utah drivers license or Utah ID card is required. This is a physically demanding position! Ideal person will be able to keep busy, be motivated and ready to learn!
Basic hand tools and how to use them will be required.
No previous experience is necessary, we can teach you.
Must be eligible to work in the United States. Valid Utah ID and Social Security card is required.
Professional, business like appearance.
Please submit basic resume and salary requirements through KSL.
This position is usually part time to start unless you have previous experience. WE ARE VERY FLEXIBLE! We are open Monday thru Friday, 9 am until 5:30 pm. Saturday work, 9am until 4 pm, will be required after training with Monday off.
Contact: David
Busy used appliance store needs someone to help assure our product is working like new. We repair used appliances in our shop: Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Freezers, Stoves and Dishwashers. We are willing to train someone if you are serious about a new career.
We offer paid holidays after 90 days, paid vacation after one year.
We purchase used appliances, then thoroughly test and repair them in our testing area to be sure they are working like new. You will be diagnosing used product, making needed repairs and retesting to confirm product is in good working condition.
You will be loading and unloading product for our customers into their vehicles.
We also need help on our sales floor. Are you up to learning customer service? Can you answer the phone to help provide customers with the information they are looking for? Complete customer invoices??
Valid Utah drivers license or Utah ID card is required. This is a physically demanding position! Ideal person will be able to keep busy, be motivated and ready to learn!
Basic hand tools and how to use them will be required.
No previous experience is necessary, we can teach you.
Must be eligible to work in the United States. Valid Utah ID and Social Security card is required.
Professional, business like appearance.
Please submit basic resume and salary requirements through KSL.
This position is usually part time to start unless you have previous experience. WE ARE VERY FLEXIBLE! We are open Monday thru Friday, 9 am until 5:30 pm. Saturday work, 9am until 4 pm, will be required after training with Monday off.
We work hard to protect you and this service from fraud. As with any classifieds service please be aware of the warning signs relative to buying and selling online. Concerned about this listing?