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Looking for a hairstylist, full-time and part-time available, booth rent only. You are able to take any walk-in or new clients without having to pay a percentage to the owner. We have lots of new clients calling daily. Full-time (7days/week) $500. Part-time $300 for 3 days/week.
Also looking for a nail tech, full-time and part-time available. Pay is by commission or hourly based on your preference. Pay depends on experience and what you are qualified to do. If part-time you will need to work Saturday & Sunday. Full-time you can make up to $2000 bi-weekly or possibly more; experience in acrylic.
Also looking for someone experienced in waxing and facial. Pay depends on experience. Please contact for more info.
Nellie's Hair & Nail Specialists
4135 S Carriage Sq
Taylorsville, UT 84129
Hours of Operation
Mon-Sat 10:30am-7:30pm
Sun 10:30am-5:30pm
Contact: Ngat
Looking for a hairstylist, full-time and part-time available, booth rent only. You are able to take any walk-in or new clients without having to pay a percentage to the owner. We have lots of new clients calling daily. Full-time (7days/week) $500. Part-time $300 for 3 days/week.
Also looking for a nail tech, full-time and part-time available. Pay is by commission or hourly based on your preference. Pay depends on experience and what you are qualified to do. If part-time you will need to work Saturday & Sunday. Full-time you can make up to $2000 bi-weekly or possibly more; experience in acrylic.
Also looking for someone experienced in waxing and facial. Pay depends on experience. Please contact for more info.
Nellie's Hair & Nail Specialists
4135 S Carriage Sq
Taylorsville, UT 84129
Hours of Operation
Mon-Sat 10:30am-7:30pm
Sun 10:30am-5:30pm
We work hard to protect you and this service from fraud. As with any classifieds service please be aware of the warning signs relative to buying and selling online. Concerned about this listing?