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Our company is committed to being trusted voices of light and truth reaching hundreds of millions of people worldwide.
Who we are...
Since 1866, Deseret Book Company has been the market leader in providing content and lifestyle products to support members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints through its retail and publishing imprints. Deseret Book is committed to creating and offering resources to build faith, strengthen families, and promote personal virtues.
Starting Date
$15 - $16.50/hour
Cedar City, UT
596 South Main St.
Part Time
Required Skills
Equal Opportunity and Diversity
We strongly encourage candidates of all different backgrounds to apply. We're committed to building an inclusive, supportive place for you to do the best and most rewarding work of your career. We are an equal-opportunity employer and are committed to a team and culture that embraces and celebrates diversity and inclusion without regard to race, religion or belief, national, social or ethnic origin, sex (including pregnancy), age, or any other status protected by the laws or regulations in the State of Utah.
For more information, or to apply now, you must go to the website below. Please DO NOT email your resume to us as we only accept applications through our website.
Contact: Deseret Book
Our company is committed to being trusted voices of light and truth reaching hundreds of millions of people worldwide.
Who we are...
Since 1866, Deseret Book Company has been the market leader in providing content and lifestyle products to support members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints through its retail and publishing imprints. Deseret Book is committed to creating and offering resources to build faith, strengthen families, and promote personal virtues.
Starting Date
$15 - $16.50/hour
Cedar City, UT
596 South Main St.
Part Time
Required Skills
Equal Opportunity and Diversity
We strongly encourage candidates of all different backgrounds to apply. We're committed to building an inclusive, supportive place for you to do the best and most rewarding work of your career. We are an equal-opportunity employer and are committed to a team and culture that embraces and celebrates diversity and inclusion without regard to race, religion or belief, national, social or ethnic origin, sex (including pregnancy), age, or any other status protected by the laws or regulations in the State of Utah.
For more information, or to apply now, you must go to the website below. Please DO NOT email your resume to us as we only accept applications through our website.
We work hard to protect you and this service from fraud. As with any classifieds service please be aware of the warning signs relative to buying and selling online. Concerned about this listing?