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Now hiring licensed journeyman and apprentice plumbers. Well established company, offering competitive pay with fantastic benefits.
All phases of plumbing
Experience and a current plumbing license are a plus. Positive attitude and strong work ethic a must.
Submit resume through KSL, or email to employment@shamrockplumbing.net
Contact: Blake Flannery
Now hiring licensed journeyman and apprentice plumbers. Well established company, offering competitive pay with fantastic benefits.
All phases of plumbing
Experience and a current plumbing license are a plus. Positive attitude and strong work ethic a must.
Submit resume through KSL, or email to employment@shamrockplumbing.net
We work hard to protect you and this service from fraud. As with any classifieds service please be aware of the warning signs relative to buying and selling online. Concerned about this listing?